Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Todays Workout

Squats, Sandbag Push Press, Sit Ups, Sandbag High Pulls. 1 minute on each exercise, max repetitions. Rest 1 minute between each set of four exercises and repeat for 3 total rounds.

Record your totals.

Train hard!


  1. 1st round - 45, 35, 36, 34
    2nd round - 51, 34, 36, 38
    3rd round - 45, 33, 34, 41

    All with a 35 kg bag

  2. Hi!

    How is it going? Today I tried shouldering+get up combo with my 50kg Brute Force Barebones. Damn, it was tough to get back up when I had 50kg sand on my shoulder! But I managed to do couple reps. Cheers! -Juha

  3. Hey Juha,

    Yeah, get ups are hard with the sandbag - difficult to rely on any upper body strength when it's 'shouldered'.Have you tried doing any windmills with it?

  4. I tried with one filler bag, but did you really mean that someone can do windmill with 50kg Barebones??:) Mariusz Pudzianowski maybe..? :)
