Thursday 25 August 2011

Shameless Plug

I've just entered my About Me profile for a chance to have my face plastered over Times Square and I'd love it if you guys would head to my profile and vote for me

If you've already voted, Thanks!!!!



  1. hey, that is a great page and shot you've got there, i voted for you.

    so, i'm trying to find out what sandbag to buy--i do my own backyard style bootcamp that i affectionately call "Special Ops", because anybody walking by seeing my workouts would think a) i'm crazy, b) i'm training for the military, or c) a combo of both.

    anywho, what can you recommend? i have never really done sandbag training, but feel the need to try it (i do workout with a trainer once a week, we use kettlebells, and all kinds of tools, but this would be for my backyard special ops primarily).

    what do women use, do you know?
    thanks for any help!!

    BTW, your workouts look killer! i will try some!!

  2. ah, i see now you like to recommend brute force. that's the brand i was considering, given their huband/wife story and it's made in the USA, also it has non-rubbery handles.

    what do you think?

  3. Yes, I'm in the US!
    Thanks for the comment, think I'll order it up today--wish I could get it in camo, but the green is pretty cool too.

    I have visions of carrying it going up and down the stadium steps, or lunging up the hill. So many things, really could be alot of fun. As for now, beyond my once a week with a certified trainer, I'm not a member of any gym and just doing my own thing. It's been very enjoyable, this will be a great tool and I'll try some of your workouts too. Thanks for posting!!

  4. You won't be disappointed - it really is a great piece of equipment. If you need any advice on how to properly use it then feel free to drop me a line. Or just follow the programs in the free ebook. Matt
