Friday, 5 August 2011

Todays Workout - Pushing My Luck

10 Sandbag Push Press, 10 Burpees. As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.

Record your score.

Train hard!


  1. That's hideous! No wonder you nearly vommed. 10 minutes of that would test anyone. I think I'll try 1 minute on, one minute off of this.

  2. That's a far better idea than doing 8 rounds back to back! Let me know how you get on, Matt

  3. 7 rounds is good going! Well done, Matt

  4. Your workouts look great, Matt. Once I reach my current goal (clean and press a 70kg bag), I'm going to start following along. Keep up the good work!

  5. Cheers I was working with a 90lb bag last year but injuries and virtually no training in ages I thought I will come back slowy

  6. Thanks, Matt. I'm getting close - I can clean the 70kg bag, and I can C&P a 59kg bag. It will happen soon. Then it's time to set new goals!

  7. G - what injuries are you coming back from?

    Jon B. - it sounds as though you're getting pretty close to that goal. How are you training towards it? Singles or more volume work at lower weights?

  8. Elbow biceps tendonitis

  9. Nasty - I guess you're already going through some rehab but my advice would be to use some different pronated and supinated hand positions to give relief (especially during any pulling movements). Matt

  10. caught the flu, but should have it knocked over in about two days then I will give this one a crack.

    josh t

  11. Sorry Matt - I didn't check back in until today. I've been doing a lot of low volume, heavy weight work to get there. Sets and reps vary, but I try to get in 20-30 total reps each time. I've got 2 main workouts that I alternate - Sandbag C&P/Sandbag lunges/handstand pushups/weighted pullups and DB C&P/DB Snatch/Sandbag shoulders/weighted pullups. Occasionally I'll throw in a test day with the big bag, to see how far I've come/how far I have to go.

  12. I'd say you're definitely on the right track - let me know when you get that big lift!

  13. Matt - Looks like I'll be trying your workouts sooner than I thought. Today I was able to C&P that 70kg bag! I'm looking forward to following along.

  14. That's great Jon, well done. I'll look forward to seeing some of your times with the workouts
